September 14, 2024

Valley Post

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Celebrations for International Nurses’ Day in Santiago de Cuba

Nursing Stgo 768x509Science conferences, recognition of the best, exchanges with retirees, cultural events and many more are part of the activities taking place in the southeastern province of Santiago on the eve of International Nurses Day on May 12th.

This Tuesday was the provincial science event organized by the Santiago de Cuba chapter of the Cuban Nursing Society, which, according to Master of Science Louisa Maria Ribox Hernandez, confirms the interest in the professional advancement of members.

According to Ribeaux Hernández, this professional transfer day coincides with what the World Health Organization proposes to celebrate International Nurses Day 2022.

The organization, citing the Santiago Order, noted the need to “invest in nursing to accelerate post-epidemic recovery, restore and maintain public health achievements, and return to the path to global health.”

“It also highlights the importance of investing in nursing: education, employment, regulation and nursing practices, issues that are a priority in Santiago de Cuba,” he said.

In the public health sector in the province of Santiago de Cuba, the nursing force is important in the areas of primary care, secondary care and teaching.

According to Master of Science Rodolbo Allarcon Arcota, head of the provincial nursing division of the provincial health directorate, there are 8,138 nurses in the area, of whom 429 are specialists and 711 internationally working in more than 28 countries. , A Doctor of Science, 1,249 Bachelors and 525 Masters.

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