October 10, 2024

Valley Post

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Evdokia Romiliotis: “We spent 3.5 years with the child and they told us that the adoption was not completed”

Evdokia Romiliotis: “We spent 3.5 years with the child and they told us that the adoption was not completed”

Actress Evdokia Roumeliotis reveals why the adoption process that started has not been completed.

The actress talks about the difficult process with the adoption of a child that she started, which could not be completed.

“I told stories and plays in hospitals with abandoned children or people with special needs. This process brought this little baby into our lives, which didn’t turn out well in the end.

“We took him home, we spent 3.5 years together and they told us the adoption was not completed because he is a special needs child and within a day the child was taken away.

“We’re not over all of this yet,” Evdokia Roumeliotis admits in the exclusive clip before the broadcast.

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