the Sophia Pavlido She pointed to the reactions that have arisen since her statement Xenas Kotselinis That “Apostolos Lytras’s career was affected” after the beating of his wife, Sophia Polyzogopoulos.
After this statement, the actress referred to her own case and the comments made by Zina Kotselini regarding the attack she received from her colleague. Manos Papagiannis.
In a comment she left under a post published by the “Wonderful Woman” page on Instagram, the actress said: “The lady in question also hosted the assailant on her show when he beat me and painted him with a drawing of a saint…”
Then he added: “While I was at home with the bruises and pain from his attack… I thought he had moved… but I see that he is once again standing by the attacker’s side.”….”
See her comment:

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