The actress testified at the joint jury
His trial continues today in the Mixed Jury Court in Athens Petro Phillipdisaccused of rape and two counts of attempted rape.
After Katia Dendoulakis which stated before the Joint Arbitration Court that it had terminated its cooperation with the defendant in 2018 due to its conduct towards their colleague Lena Drosakis, two women claiming to have received abusive behavior from Petros Filipidis and testifying in court.
Testimony of Lena Drusaki
Actress Lena Drusaki testified in court, who, with a strong emotional charge and several times bursting into tears, told the judges about everything that had happened with the leader since she met him in 2007, when she went with fellow students to the shooting of a series starring Petros Philippides.
The witness testified that the defendant often contacted her and that the contact sometimes had a sexual dimension. “I told him, Mr. Phillipdis, please. Will you tell me why I didn’t close it? I didn’t have that fortitude to do it, I felt I had to do it to the end. This happened many times. There came the days when I was doing exams. I was sitting on the stage steps.” And I saw him in front of me and he said to me: “If you don’t sit with me, you won’t pass”. I just remember that I was on the stage and at that moment he entered and goes to the jury. Kisses, hugs .. I froze, I lost it. And then I remember this movement as if he was telling me “I told you I had this strength not to pass. I didn’t pass…”.
Ms. Drosaki testified that a colleague of Petros Phillipides who “bombarded” her to agree to work with the accused in a TV series, but found herself various excuses for her refusal, while sometimes requesting exorbitant sums as fees in order to be able to do so. The discussion does not continue.
Referring to Ms. Dandoulakis’ “Crime on the Orient Express” show in 2018, the actress said she asked if Filippidis would act and when she learned he would only direct “I told her fine, because if he did I won’t be there.” She told me not to worry “you will be under my protection”. The witness said that during the rehearsals there was “an explosive atmosphere that prevailed when the accused saw me talking to my other colleagues…then the rehearsal will not be easy, there will be tensions…”, referring to aggressive behavior and “unimaginable situations”. He also said: “I told Mrs. Dendoulakis that I was leaving, I couldn’t go on like this, and she told me ‘You’re not leaving.'” You did nothing.”
Testifying earlier in court was an executive from a TV station who, as I reported, collaborated with Petros Filippidis on a show in 2016. The witness, whose claims were challenged by the defendant’s defense, told the court that she was subjected to severe sexual harassment by the defendant twice over the least.
As the woman said, she reported the two incidents to the executive and the owner of the channel.
The witness testified that she spoke about what had happened in the past on the motivation of the actresses who had publicly denounced the gang. “If they do that, I should do that too, I thought… I called my friend, actor Vassilis Charalambopoulos, and he told me to contact Ms. Babcharalambos in order to contact the civil suit advocate.”
After filing the complaint, the witness testified that the defendant’s wife refused to speak to the channel’s reporters “because you had a viper in there … a redhead who went to seal our house”. According to the woman, after she “talked”, Petros Philippides told a TV producer that “I kicked him out and that I used to love him so much I was causing him trouble.”
The defendant’s defense asked to call the director of the television station that the witness stated she had informed. The request was also approved by the civil procedures, which requested that the owner of the canal be summoned.
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