September 16, 2024

Valley Post

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Sony stops hoarding PlayStation Now to protect the new Premium service

Sony stops hoarding PlayStation Now to protect the new Premium service

Sony has updated the PlayStation Plus FAQ page (hidden at the bottom here) and further narrowing down the loopholes that gave users early discounts on the upcoming PlayStation Plus Premium service. It also temporarily deactivates PlayStation Plus and Now coupons for existing subscribers even after the new service was launched in June, and there’s also an official conversion chart showing the value of these coupons for its next three services; PlayStation Plus Essentials, Extra, and Premium.

after sony Announced its plan to restructure PlayStation Plus In the new three-tier service for more Rival Microsoft and Nintendo servicesThings were a little vague about how the conversion to the new levels would work. Users have begun piling up prepaid subscriptions to PlayStation Now, Sony’s cloud-streaming service on consoles and PCs, hoping to turn $59.99 a year into the upcoming $119.99 a year PlayStation Plus Premium. Sony was quick to stop a lot of people from taking advantage of this discount, but it couldn’t stop people from buying and redeeming cards Some Service Type – The remaining PS Now Coupon Cards will give you at least a partial subscription to PlayStation Plus Premium.

At least, they’ll start in June. Sony is now preventing many people from redeeming prepaid coupons even after restarting PS Plus. Only non-subscribing users can redeem a prepaid card for one, three or 12 months, which is It is still sold at many retailers (including direct from Sony).

What happens if you have a prepaid voucher once June arrives? Well, it will still be worth getting it back once you can. Sony has prepared this handy chart to explain how much it’s worth when switching to the new service. Although PlayStation Now won’t buy you a month of PlayStation Plus Premium, Sony says you’ll still get “the length of time equal to the cash value of your original coupon.”

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Sony PlayStation Plus coupon conversion chart.

Did I say useful? I meant horrible. But just like Sony announced the new PS Plus service teeming with confusion, as well as his communication with transfers so far. Hopefully the next piece of new information from Sony will be the full list of games that can be accessed with PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium, so that people have a clearer idea of ​​the Why These new levels are worth subscribing.