July 27, 2024

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19 year old from Thessaloniki at NASA – “Success is 99% effort and 1% intelligence”

19 year old from Thessaloniki at NASA – “Success is 99% effort and 1% intelligence”

He may only be 19 years old, but he’s already made great strides in the field of astrophysics. Accepted on full scholarship to top college astrophysicist Franklin & Marshall, excelled first semester, now selected by NASA In order to join a research team dealing with the analysis of data transmitted by the James Webb Space Telescope.

Cause Menelaus Raptis of Thessalonica who, as mentioned in kathimerini.gr“magnetized” with positive science at a very young age.

“In the sixth grade my father gave me my first binoculars. With this I spent hours observing the sky. These are very sensitive moments that have remained etched on me. Through the observations I begin to have questions I think we all have. As far as space extends, if there is life outside Planet Earth etc. My interest in science has been increased by my participation in many competitions, especially natural sciences. For example, in the first year of high school I had participated in a European Space Agency (ESA) competition in which I made a space visualization of the future And she won first place as the youngest space ambassador in Europe.In 2017, I was awarded by the President of the Republic for my participation in the Robotics Olympiad in Mexico.

19-year-old Menelaus noted that apart from astrophysics, he has a great love for poetry and painting. “My favorite part is when I turn a hobby into a job. That’s why I participate in public speaking, poetry, and drawing contests. My endeavors have helped me build a very good resume and get accepted on a full scholarship to Franklin and Marshall College of Astrophysics.”

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Then I joined the NASA research team. “As soon as I finished my first semester in December, my professor, the chair of the Department of Astronomy and Physics of the College, considered me most qualified to participate in the research on James Webb. It was preceded by a difficult preparation mainly in Programming and Astrophysics. I will be the only one from my College who will, in collaboration With my teacher, I analyze the data sent by the space telescope and proceed to draw conclusions. Of course, the data received is millions. For example, there may be a request to find certain elements and chemical properties, such as temperature or brightness, on a particular planet.” I want to use artificial intelligence and other computing methods to draw conclusions about whether humans can inhabit the planet in the future,” he said.

As for his message to his peers? So they don’t give up and chase their dreams. “I believe that success is 99% effort and 1% intelligence. In order to achieve success one must constantly strive, showing the virtues of patience, perseverance and the value of determination striving every day for one’s goals. Let us all remember that it is not Ithaca that counts, but the journey To Ithaca,” he confirmed.

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