From those close to me Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Major Gennady ChastyakovHe was killed on Monday by Explosion Which was held at his home, at his birthday party.
He announced: “My partner and close friend met a tragic death while celebrating his birthday with his relatives.” Gen. A/GED Valery Zalozny Through his post on the Telegram platform. According to him, the accident occurred as a result of an explosion while opening the major’s birthday gifts.
In particular, the Ukrainian Interior Minister described in a post on Telegram how the deadly explosion occurred:
Major Chastyakov had just returned home with birthday gifts from his colleagues, including a box of grenades that he wanted to show his 13-year-old son.
The child took a grenade and “began twisting the shrapnel,” Ihor Klimenko wrote. He wrote that his father snatched the grenade from the child’s hand and “the pin was pulled, causing a fatal explosion.”
The explosion seriously injured the major’s 13-year-old son, and he was taken to the hospital.
It should be noted that the Ukrainian Interior Minister reported that the soldier who gave the grenades to Major Chastyakov has been identified.
He explained that he thought it appropriate to clarify the circumstances in which the tragic accident occurred, even though the investigation is ongoing, to avoid misleading.
Source: Monkey – MEB
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