September 17, 2024

Valley Post

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If you are using Google Chrome, please update immediately!

If you are using Google Chrome, please update immediately!

the Google Chromethe most popular browser on the market used by more than three billion users worldwide, was recently discovered to contain a very large security vulnerability.

In particular, if you are among those who use it to access the Internet, It would be a good idea to update to the latest version right away Which happily fixed the problem. Going into the details, in a recent post on its official blog, Google confirmed the discovery of the Zero Day CVE-2023-2033 vulnerability affecting Chrome on Windows, Mac, and Linux, and even acknowledged that there is already a vulnerability to exploit.

Weakness, “the kind of confusion in a V8” As Google usually writes, when an incompatible method of code accesses a resource that has been allocated or initialized using another method. This can allow insecure access to the memory used by the browser, with all that that entails. Google’s Threat Analysis team discovered the vulnerability, but was unable to publish a patch before the first exploits for the vulnerability appeared online.

This means that it is imperative that you update to the latest version of Chrome immediately, as there are malwares that can cause serious damage. To make sure that you have the latest version, just go to the program menu helps > About Google Chrome. This forces Chrome to check for updates. After the process is complete, you may need to restart your browser.

Notably, this is the first Zero Day vulnerability found in Chrome in 2023. For the record, 15 Zero Day vulnerabilities were found in 2021 and 9 in 2022. To keep these numbers down, Google spends every year Huge payments to security researchers in order to discover vulnerabilities. In 2022 alone, Google paid more than $12 million in bug fees, including a record $605,000 for a single critical exploit.

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Despite the efforts, of course, Chrome’s market dominance means that it remains a prime target for attackers.

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