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Pete Davidson and five clients paying to travel on a Jeff Bezos semi-orbital rocket

Pete Davidson and five clients paying to travel on a Jeff Bezos semi-orbital rocket
The company announced Monday morning that Davidson, a Saturday Night Live star who became a A prop of intrigue entertainment Amid his relationship with Kim Kardashian, he’ll fly alongside five paying customers on Blue Origin’s 60-foot New Shepard rocket.
The launch is scheduled for March 23 at 8:30 a.m. Central time, according to Blue Origin. This announcement comes after CNN confirmed Earlier, Davidson was in talks with the company for a seat aboard its supersonic rocket, which takes off vertically from a rural launch pad in Texas on Bezos’ ranch.
After years of quiet development, the Blue Origin space tourism rocket made its debut last year with Bezos, flying alongside Space Society heroine Wally Funk, his brother Mark Bezos and a family member. Customer pays.
Since then, Blue Origin has made headlines for publishing other well-known names on two consecutive flights, including the Star Trek star. William Shatner And good morning host America Michael Strahan.

Blue Origin’s goal is to make these suborbital spaceflights a mainstay of pop culture, giving an exhilarating 10-minute hypersonic flight to welcome guests – who were hitherto celebrities – and anyone else who could afford it.

Davidson will be joined on his journey by five paying customers. Among them is Marty Allen, an investor and Former CEO of Party Supply Store; Jim Kitchen, businessman and business professor; George Nield Former Co-Director for the Federal Aviation Administration’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation; Mark Hagel, Ann Orlando real estate developer and his wife, Sharon Hagel, who founded a nonprofit organization focused on space.

The crew will spend a few days training at Blue Origin’s facilities in West Texas prior to flight day, where they will board the New Shepard crew capsule atop the rocket. After takeoff, the missile will exceed the speed of sound, and will separate from the capsule near the top of its flight path. As the booster rocket returns toward Earth for an upright landing, the manned capsule will continue to rise higher into the atmosphere to more than 60 miles above the surface where the blackness of space is visible and the capsule’s windows will provide panoramic views of Earth.

As the flight reaches its climax, passengers will experience a few minutes of weightlessness. Bezos has spent his time remarkably weightless bowling And flips in the cabin. were others Paste it on the window.

As gravity begins to pull the capsule back toward the ground, occupants will once again experience intense acceleration forces before deploying sets of parachutes to slow the vehicle down. Then it will descend at less than 20 mph in the Texas desert.

Blue Origin New Shepard takes off from the launch pad carrying 90-year-old Star Trek actor William Shatner and three other civilians on October 13, 2021 near Van Horn, Texas.

Since the flights are sub-orbital—meaning they don’t generate enough speed or take the correct trajectory to avoid instantaneous drift downward by Earth’s gravity—the entire show will only last about 10 minutes.

Blue Origin is the first company to begin offering regular sub-orbital space tourism flights. Its main competitor, Virgin Galactic, had made its first manned flight – which included its founder Richard Branson – before Bezos’ flight last July. But Virgin Galactic did not follow up that flight with another manned flight after it was later revealed that the company’s space plane had moved off its scheduled flight path. The company now says it is undergoing unrelated technology updates and may return to the flight later this year.

SpaceX is the only private company to offer flights into orbit. The company completed its first-ever civilian flight into orbit last September, taking a billionaire and three select colleagues on a three-day flight. And later this month, the company plans to take four paying customers on a trip to the International Space Station, which orbits about 200 miles above Earth.

Blue Origin has plans to build a rocket powerful enough to reach orbit, called New Glenn. In view of the file News that Russia may stop selling missile engines to the United StatesThese plans are more urgent than ever. The Blue Origin engines it plans to use in New Glenn, BE-4, will be used in an upcoming launch vehicle designed by the United Launch Alliance, a joint venture between Lockheed Martin and Boeing responsible for critical US national security launches. ULA is currently based on Russian RD-180 engines.

Blue Origin did not have specific updates to the BE-4 when reached for comment.

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