July 27, 2024

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The 'Giant Dinosaur from Hell' Mystery – Reveal how it devoured its prey

The 'Giant Dinosaur from Hell' Mystery – Reveal how it devoured its prey

A new study may finally end a long-standing debate about a giant dinosaur known as the “heron from hell.” The creature's scientific name is Spinosaurus aegyptiacus and it has sparked controversy for years.

This is because scientists cannot agree on how this Cretaceous creature hunted its prey. It is believed that this giant predator was one of the largest predators to ever walk the Earth. He ate all kinds of prey and was like that Adapted to water fishing. Whether it dived deep to find its meal or stayed very close to the surface of the water is still hotly debated today.

What new research has discovered about dinosaurs from hell

A team of scientists recently examined bones from a specimen of Spinosaurus aegyptiacus to try to solve this mystery once and for all. Paleontologists from the University of Chicago led the research. The study was published in the journal PLoS ONE. A team of researchers looked into the matter Bone density in plasma He found that he would not be able to dive.

Modern aquatic animals tend to have dense bones that help them survive underwater. These bones are said to act like a diver's weight belt.

Fishing in shallow water

Some dinosaurs, including Spinosaurus, had air sacs in their bones that helped them avoid diving. For this reason, the team suspects that the dinosaur remained in shallow water.

“We believe that Spinosaurus, one of the largest predators that ever evolved, would have needed additional bone strength to support its weight on its relatively short hind limbs.”The study's senior author, Paul Sereno, explained.

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“Spinosaurus could walk in bodies of water more than six feet deep without floating. There it could ambush fish of any size with its claws and jaws, but at the same time keep its toes firmly planted in the mud.