July 27, 2024

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They are closing windows for tax evasion for the self-employed

They are closing windows for tax evasion for the self-employed

Close its windows Tax evasion The economic staff of the government will try with legislative interventions but also New electronic gadgets which will be activated in the coming period.

its intention Government To identify all taxpayers, especially professionals, who declare their incomes to be up to 10,000 euros and who in fact conceal their real incomes, is contrary to the various provisions of the tax legislation.

Specifically, according to his sources Ministry of National Economy and Finance And the tax administration, many of them will be required to cover the purchase of homes and cars or their lifestyles and depreciation of funds from previous years. This is exactly what the financial staff will try to change by amending Article 34 of the Income Tax Law (No. 4172/2013), which states that all taxpayers can cover any additional difference in taxable income that arises due to the application of assumptions (since the assumed income that Determined by tax authorities based on subsistence assumptions and assumptions of asset holding greater than declared income), citing declared income and revenue even from many years ago.

According to the same sources, the article in question and the invocation of income from previous years will not be canceled, but rather they will change and they will be consistent with today’s data. According to reports, when taxpayers plead using funds from previous years to avoid additional taxes and penalties, the Ministry of Finance will deduct expenses incurred that are not currently taken into account.

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For example, in the event that someone claims to have spent up to €20,000 in funds to cover a section for the purchase of real estate, AADE services will start deducting. From the amount of 20,000 euros they will deduct expenses made with credit cards (today they are not deducted). Taxes paid will also be deducted in addition to rent paid (and will not be deducted either). So the initial amount of €20,000 can be reduced by €3,000 for credit card charges, €1,000 for taxes and €5,000 for rent. The remaining amount will be accepted by the tax authorities as a capital expenditure.

In addition to the changes in the provision for capital consumption in previous years, the AADE financial staff are planning a series of interventions that will be gradually activated, most of them within the year 2024. Tax evasion by approximate calculations ranges between 8-10 billion euros, half of which can probably be recovered . Design includes:


• Mandatory electronic billing. The business benefits of electronic invoicing are faster tax refunds, a three-year limitation system on tax issues and excess consumption of technical equipment. Today, many companies use electronic billing (through a provider), but on an optional basis. In this way, according to the report of the Ministry of National Economy and Finance officials, VAT fraud and fake data will be reduced.

• Expansion of the POS system to include all sectors of the economy.

• A new electronic platform through which citizens can report cases of tax evasion and smuggling. The platform will collect all citizens’ complaints – named and anonymous. In particular, citizens who want to report a violation will enter the platform, which will be open to everyone, i.e. to enter the online application, Taxisnet network passwords will not be required, and they will fill out a special form with information about the type and time of the tax offense.

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• To better control expenditures, it is planned to only recognize expenditures that pass through myDATA e-books. That is, all expenses of a freelancer, whether VAT is deducted or only taxable income is reduced, must be done through e-books. Basically, they must request an invoice for all of their expenses.

• A digital client base of doctors, lawyers, etc. Certain occupational groups will have to keep a digital record, which will be available for audit and comparison with declared revenue. The digital customer base in the second phase will be connected to myDATA.

• Digital consignment note. In this way, the movement of products (construction, agriculture, etc.) is controlled. The controlling authorities will know in real time what is being trafficked and where it is going.

• Penalties for failure to send data to myDATA Database, after a reasonable adjustment period.

• Payment service providers located outside Greece will also be obliged to transfer data to AADE.

• Welfare benefits will be paid through debit cards.