October 23, 2024

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This is the country that “defeated” the far right – how did it do it?

This is the country that “defeated” the far right – how did it do it?

Unlike other countries, the far right in Denmark did not dominate the European elections that took place this month. Although populism rose in the country a decade ago, center parties pushed the far right to the margins and are now back in control.

In the 2014 European Parliament elections, the far-right Danish People’s Party shocked the political establishment by winning the largest number of seats, with the party’s leading candidate setting a national record for personal votes received. The DPP won the general election a year later to become the largest party in the conservative bloc and the second largest party in Parliament. But in this month’s European elections, Denmark’s far right fought for just one seat. What happened;

Since the shock of 2014, established political parties, led by the Social Democrats and current Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, have embraced elements of far-right political positions, especially on immigration, which is generally seen as the main driving force behind the rise of populism. . Although Denmark once had one of the most liberal immigration systems in Europe, it has gradually tightened its policy.

Another factor behind recent populist waves is deteriorating living conditions outside major cities, where jobs and opportunities are disappearing throughout the era of globalization. To deal with this problem, successive Danish governments have diverted public resources away from major cities by supporting social mobility in the peripheries.

The run-up to the recent European Parliament elections showed that the far right was out of tune with the vast majority of Danish voters on two key issues: climate change and security policy. In addition to questioning the EU’s authority to deal with climate change, far-right politicians have also announced their intention to withdraw from key national climate agreements. However, polls have shown that Danish voters are demanding aggressive policies to combat climate change.

Likewise, with regard to security policy, the far right has questioned the legitimacy of the European Union as a forum for collective action, and has claimed that Danish security policy should be decided solely under the auspices of NATO. But in light of Russia’s war against Ukraine, Danish voters strongly disagree with this view.

While the Danish far right has always been Eurosceptic, the DPP has not followed other right-wing nationalist parties in softening its position in the years following Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead, it has called for Denmark to leave the EU entirely. . Although this move strengthened his electoral base, it radically reduced his chances of regaining his former power. Denmark’s support for EU membership has grown, and in 2022, a referendum abolished the long-standing exemption for defense cooperation.

Although the far right is now on the fringes of Danish politics, the threat of populism remains. The far right has split, and contrary to what one might assume, this development is not necessarily beneficial for the political center. The separatists, under the banner of the Danish Democratic Party, won a seat in Parliament in 2022. Although the new party is closer to the center and more supportive of European Union membership, it has managed to keep the immigration issue on the agenda. Sensing the dangers, SPD immigration spokesman Frederik Fant recently warned foreigners in the country against engaging in subversive activities, implying that foreign residents are generally not well integrated into Danish society. Although Vand’s statement sparked sharp criticism, even from many Social Democrats, it shows the extent to which the populist threat still influences political leaders at the center. They remain convinced that Denmark’s model of keeping the far right at bay requires constant vigilance.

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Michael Ehrenreich is the former director of the Danish Foreign Policy Association

source: OT.gr