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Turkey: Three out of ten citizens hold the Justice and Development Party responsible for the earthquakes

Turkey: Three out of ten citizens hold the Justice and Development Party responsible for the earthquakes

In a new survey, citizens assess, on the part of the government, the management of the deadly earthquakes that hit Turkey.

The rope pulls with it Ok Erdogan to collapse In opinion polls conducted after the deadly earthquakes From February 6 at turkey. It seems that the citizens are quite angry at the way the Turkish president and his government have dealt with the ongoing earthquakes which have caused damage and loss of life.

A new poll revealed that more than a third of Turks say the AKP government is responsible for the high death toll and the devastating effects of the earthquake that hit southern Turkey last month. This led to the ruling party losing more than 4 points.

How do citizens rate the Turkish government’s earthquake response?

As part of the monthly “Pulse of Turkey” survey, conducted by MetroPoll among 2,118 people in 28 provinces between February 23 and 28, participants were asked, among other things, who they think is most responsible for earthquake losses. The results of the survey, which MetroPoll owner Prof. Ozer Senkar posted on Twitter on Thursday, revealed that 34.4% of respondents believe that the AKP government is “more responsible for the losses caused by the earthquake.”

The percentage of opposition party voters who share the same opinion reaches more than 60%, while it drops to 6.4% among supporters of the ruling Justice and Development Party and 3.4% among supporters of its ally, the far-right Nationalist Movement Party.

According to the survey, 26.9% of the respondents held construction contractors responsible for the devastating effects of earthquakes, while 15.4% held municipalities responsible, 4.4% held citizens responsible, and 4.2% held others responsible. The percentage of those who believe that “all of the above” is responsible for the losses caused by the disaster is 12.9%.

People who believe that contractors were mainly responsible for losses caused by earthquakes rose to 46.2% and 43.6% among AKP and MHP voters respectively, while it dropped to 13% among supporters of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), to 12.6 % among supporters of the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) and 11.9% among supporters of İYİ (Good Party).

Full attack by Kilicdaroglu

After the earthquakes, the opposition as a whole accused Erdogan of poor performance in coordinating search and rescue. He is also accused of failing to mobilize many people and lack of coordination between the groups.

This led to the earthquake victims themselves trying to pull their loved ones out from under the rubble, only to find them dead and frozen. On the other hand, after announcing his candidacy for the presidency, Kemal Kilicdaroglu accused Erdogan of failing to prepare the country for earthquakes, despite his 20 years in power.

The elected member of the Six Alliance stated that the government failed to take the necessary measures to coordinate resources, benefit from Turkey’s experience in such phenomena, ensure the cooperation of public institutions with municipalities and NGOs, as well as send soldiers and search and rescue personnel to areas that needed them before it was too late.

How will Erdogan deal with the opposition?

Since the appearance of the first ballot with Kilicdaroglu as a presidential candidate, Tayyip Erdogan, in an attempt to calm the anger of the citizens, visited the earthquake victims in the homes where they settled, declaring that he would only deal with the aftermath of the earthquake.

“I visited all the regions twice and did a tour. Erdogan said that I remember the ancient times of these city areas and I saw the situation prevailing today .. There were people and small children under the rubble who said I was thirsty and gave me water with a straw and a bottle cap.

At the height of the cost of deadly earthquake damage

“It is already clear that the physical damage alone will be more than $100 billion,” said Louise Winton, director of the United Nations Development Program in Turkey, via video conference from Gaziantep, during a UN press conference in Gaziantep, a month after the deadly earthquake. . Geneva.

“The cost of rebuilding and everything to do with the fact that rebuilding should take place in better conditions, in more environmental terms, means that this amount will be exceeded,” said Louisa Fenton.

These estimates are based on interim data, but the $100 billion figure is what will be presented at the March 16 donor conference in Brussels.

Winds of optimism at the table of six

In more detail, in the poll conducted from Saturday to Monday, 56.8% of respondents said they would vote for the National Alliance candidate for the presidency, Kilicdaroglu, while only 43.2% voted for Erdogan, who has been in power for two decades in Turkey. .

With this new poll, a wind of optimism is now blowing over the “table of six” as, until recently, polls showed that Kilicdaroglu’s chances of winning were skewed, and gave greater impetus to the mayors of Istanbul and Ankara, Ekrem Imamoglu, and. Mansour Yafas in a possible confrontation with Erdogan.

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