October 6, 2024

Valley Post

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Weather: Snow also in Attica – new bad weather in two waves over the next twenty-four hours

Weather: Snow also in Attica – new bad weather in two waves over the next twenty-four hours

New intensity Weatherwith Bad weather Bursting in two waves, the snow is coming to Attica over the next 24 hours.

Two cold waves from Ukraine are expected to appear in our country next week, especially on Tuesday and Friday (12.01.23), Giorgos Tsatraphyllia strong frost, temperature drop up to 8 degrees Celsius and snow even in Attica. .

Snow, frost and “drops” in temperature

In more detail, Mr. As Satraphilias says in his post:

“Two cold waves from Ukraine will affect us in the new week.

Two waves of bad weather

First wave: Tue 9/1-Wed 10/1

– 6-8 degree temperature drop

Stormy northerly winds in the Aegean (above 9 Beaufort)

-Storms in humid areas from the Aegean

– Severe frost in northern Greece

-Snowfall up to 600 m from Amphissa and north.

Second Wave : Friday 12/1 – Saturday 13/1 (Strong)

Compared to Wednesday, the temperature will drop further by 2-3 degrees

Stormy northerly winds in the Aegean (above 9 Beaufort)

– Severe frost in northern Greece

Snow up to 300 meters from Volos and south. (The mountains of Attica will be affected, it appears, along with the latest data and the northern suburbs).

Maximum Temperature on Wednesday:

Athens 9, Thessaloniki 7

Maximum temperature on Saturday indicates:

Athens 7, Thessaloniki 5″.

Snow, frost and temperature “dips” are coming

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