July 27, 2024

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41-year-old Dutchman in court to stop ‘obsessive’ sperm donation – he has 550 children – Newsbomb – News

41-year-old Dutchman in court to stop ‘obsessive’ sperm donation – he has 550 children – Newsbomb – News

the Jonathan Jacob Meagher He was taken to court to stop his donation semen From – the risk of incest is great

“serial” sperm donor, that happened 550 childrenamid accusations that his donations are inflated The risk of accidental incest.

She leads the Dutch Donorkind Foundation Jonathan Jacob Meagher to court to prevent him from donating sperm and accusing him of lying about the number of his children.

Dutch sperm clinic guidelines state that donors must have a maximum of 25 offspring or that the sperm donation of 12 women be made to avoid inbreeding, incest or psychological problems for the donors’ children.

The 550 children

The affair was exposed by the Dutch mother of one of Meijer’s children, Eva, who gave birth to a boy in 2018.

“If I had known that he had already fathered more than 100 children, I would not have chosen him,” she said.

“Thinking about the consequences for my child makes me sick.”

Donorkind wants the court to order Meijer to stop donating and see which clinics have so far donated sperm to her.

He also wants all of his stored sperm destroyed unless it is intended for a woman who already has one of his children.

“We are taking action against this man because the government is doing nothing,” said Donorkind Foundation president Tess van der Meer.

“It has a global reach through the Internet and deals with large international sperm banks.”

Donations blacklist

Donorkind said Meijer, 41, a musician from The Hague, is on the Dutch donation blacklist, but continues to donate abroad, including to Denmark and Ukraine.

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The foundation said the 41-year-old has also reached out to potential parents, online and on social media, looking for IVF.

AD reports that Meagher, who now lives in Kenya, sometimes used the pseudonym Rudd when offering to be a sperm donor.

The Dutch gynecologists’ association NVOG sounded the alarm about Meijer in 2017 after it was revealed that she had given birth to at least 102 children from ten different clinics in the Netherlands.

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