September 15, 2024

Valley Post

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Childish propaganda – communication for the sake of tears

Childish propaganda – communication for the sake of tears

New Democracy and SYRIZA communications staff still believe that in the Internet age they can present party officials as angry or happy citizens. Little did they realize that everything is stored and, if given the chance, brought to the surface. With a mobile phone, you can record whatever you want and flood Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and popular tik-tok with your photos. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of views.

Therefore, SYRIZA constantly displays either Party cadres or youth who claim to be randomly passing by where their leader is touring and protesting government policy. This “spontaneous” initiative was never caught by New Democracy, evidence of organized anger was presented on the Internet and this whole affair eventually became a rebound for SYRIZA.

When you are ridiculed for your failures to communicate, you risk losing this war forever. Nobody takes you seriously.

And Syriza, as a true child of the left, is naturally prone to progressive behavior. The left has always appealed to citizens’ feelings by evoking struggles, martyrs, and symbols, all in an excellent presentation. It won’t change now.

Why hit the new democracy sore injections? What did this executive on the train want to impersonate a passenger and make relevant statements? If a person only wants to travel, let him travel quietly, kindly and carefully. His statement only caused harm. In no time the Komondoro communications staff discovered that the man in question was an accomplice of New Democracy and the Internet – in which Syriza undoubtedly excels – was full of persuasions with the “rigged” statement.

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What is the need for this nonsense?

I understand the efforts of Party cadres and leaders to move in a protected environment, so that unexpected and undesirable phenomena do not arise. It is quite logical that the leaders’ rounds mobilize the party machinery. After all, for the sake of these conditions it is preserved. But this is another thing and the “specific” spectacle of “disaffected” or “excited” citizens is another.

The battle of communication and propaganda has not been won by the weapons of the past decades. Coarse tricks cause nothing but laughter and sarcastic comments. For this, in addition to precise targeting, an understandable, but serious reason for the presence of the expected results is also needed.

However, the battle of communication is not won with “disaffected” youth, protective dialogues and with “stranger backpackers”.