July 27, 2024

Valley Post

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Crew 94 found the 13th hidden Internet treasure

Crew 94 found the 13th hidden Internet treasure

Crew 94 solved the Finder puzzles and found the 13th hidden treasure online in 1 hour and 24 minutes!

Here is the search solution:

In the Patras map, you had to find the five items available throughout the game.

The points on the map were as follows.

1. Giorgio Square

2 water tanks

3 Freedom Square

4 Scagiopolio

5 Al-Manara – Theater

We were asking you to connect the dots and submit the interior design you create. In the green and red image is the link and in orange is the shipping request.

Whoever sent it was answered with a Sudoku puzzle that had no solution but the numbers placed in each box formed the word SHELTER (which you find inside the orange box created.

With the keyword (shelter), the message the player received was the following:

“The treasure is out there somewhere. Precious and sent…

Valuable tips and advice…”

Answering the treasure and finding it are the instructions that were in the shelter for those who went there during the alarms to protect themselves.

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