October 25, 2024

Valley Post

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Do I have a centimeter of them? But I’m 120, now let me eat some chocolate and drink some wine

Do I have a centimeter of them?  But I’m 120, now let me eat some chocolate and drink some wine

Metronome Ariston and genetic predisposition, “strong bones” as the ancients used to say, when life expectancy was much lower than it is today, are the cornerstones of longevity. But also divine luck, as the letter “K” writer rightly points out, while it’s never too late to change bad habits or addictions, “searching for lost time.” Pictured are a couple of athletes with smiles that reflect their current health indicator in their daily struggle with the prize of wellness, one of the prerequisites for extending life. How confusingly TS Eliot described it? “The years between fifty and seventy are the worst. You are constantly being asked to do things and you are not prepared enough to say no.” stock image.

Mr. Director
Jeanne Louise Calment is the French woman who holds the world record for longevity. He lived 122 years. When she was 90 years old, she was approached by a lawyer she knew and they agreed that he would pay her a monthly sum and she would leave her home when she died. The lawyer was 47 years old. After 30 years, the lawyer passed away at the age of 77. All these years he paid her, and his wife continued to pay her for another two years until Calment’s death in 1997. She was an active woman, not too fanatical about exercise, says the famous American gerontologist Mark Agronin, who studied Calment’s life. Whoever likes to drink a glass of wine, eat some chocolate and smoke two cigarettes a day. The second tallest resident was Misao Okawa from Japan. She lived to be 117 years old. Misao had no idea about the rules of healthy living and attributed her longevity to eating sushi regularly. Unlike the two ladies, Agronen, who attended a very large number of people over 85, says that almost all of them, who were in very good condition in their old age, have adopted and adapted the instructions of modern medicine, for the right way of living (lifestyle), related to alcohol, smoking, exercise, diet, etc. He says that the cases of Calment and Misau simply demonstrate the great diversity that exists in the human genetic makeup. It seems that in some cases the genetic factor is so powerful that it can overshadow and neutralize negative environmental influences and habits. But to see the big picture, we must also mention the relevant statistics from various developed countries, which say that 30% to 50% of people over 85 years old suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia, which is usually termed as aging. .

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Sure, adhering to the rules of healthy living is essential to aging well, but it also seems to take a little luck…or whatever one calls it.

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