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Elections 2023 – “Government of the losers”: the “confusion” of Mitsotakis, Pazok and Syriza

Elections 2023 – “Government of the losers”: the “confusion” of Mitsotakis, Pazok and Syriza

“Be careful because you can vote for PASOK and get Prime Minister Tsipras and Finance Minister Varoufakis.” As Kyriakos Mitsotakis said, by sending “confused messages” about his post-election position, SYRIZA could not leave without using the “gift” it had given him, once again putting on the table a “scenario of government. Losers”, which was rejected.

“You vote for PaSoK, Tsipras-Varoufakis comes out”

Speaking at a meeting of the ND’s political committee, the prime minister addressed the center’s voters directly, with opinion polls showing a shift between the ND and PASoK in particular. “Be determined. If the numbers allow, they will not hesitate to form a coalition. To form a government of tolerance with SYRIZA, PASOK and Varoufakis. I have spoken at the right time about political monstrosity, which is why citizens should be especially careful. This situation is “to worry everyone who wants to continue their lives with normality and progress. And the country should not enter into new adventures and permanent setbacks,” the Prime Minister asserted.

The Prime Minister returned to the issue today: “Two Syriza executives did not hesitate yesterday, “Of course we will be second, which means defeated, if the beans come out, we will try to create. A government with PASOK and MeRA25. And when the Leader of the Opposition says he can’t do it, I tell you I don’t believe a word Mr. Tsipras says. If Beans comes out, he will no doubt attempt this kind of “political monstrosity” of trying to form a government by ignoring the First Party as a government spokesman. I don’t know what else we can see.”

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After simple proportional elections, the formation of a government with the participation of SYRIZA, PaSoK and Mera 25 is not a possibility with great mathematical probabilities, but it cannot be ruled out either. However, this is a prospect that, as public opinion polls show, will not excite the electorate and by no means pose a competitive awe for the ND. Opposite. This is Mr. It is seen as reinforcing the dilemma presented to voters by Mitsotakis. “Self-reliance ND for a strong and self-reliant Greece. Get rid of the burden of paralysis by uncooperative government cooperation,” the Prime Minister’s message said yesterday.

Tsipras and Syriza’s “Confusion”

Alexis Tsipras, in his own speech in Berlin, again rejected the possibility of forming a government of the defeated. SYRIZA’s president described the upcoming elections as a “clash of two different worlds”, asserted that SYRIZA’s victory would “pave the way for a government of progressive cooperation without second and third ballots” and clarified that “a government cannot”. will be created without the participation of the winner of the election”.

However, the damage was done. It is no accident that the administrators reopened the door in this situation. Yiannis Dragasakis and Euclides Tsakalotos are top party officials and their public statements weigh in. Both were forced to fold after the uproar, but their statements were folded, but without exorcising a “government of losers”.

The whole scene sent mixed messages with two key executives bringing back the script which was rejected by the party chief. Goumounduro gave the feeling of stepping on two boats. According to Alexis Tsipras, some things are said before and others after, and no one can be sure of Koumoundourou’s true intentions.

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How is he under pressure, and what will Androlakis do?

The “government of losers” scenario puts particular pressure on PaSoK and Nikos Androulakis. Kyriakos Mitsotakis aims for that audience, whose behavior will determine whether the target of a strong double-digit rate can be reached. Mr. Androlakis’ attacks on ND and Kyriakos Mitsotakis personally have raised the question of whether PaSoK and SYRIZA can get closer.

The Jargolis case largely provided the answer. The distance between Harilou Trikoupi and Koumoundourou remains the same. The relationship between the two parties is directly competitive in the run-up to the elections. Both parties appeal to the same reservoir. N. Androulakis wants to send back centre-left voters who chose SYRIZA and now seem ready to vote for PaSoK. Mr. Tsipras wants them to be in Syriza’s electoral bed.

Mr. Andrologis’ position is, indeed, difficult. Every wink in the direction of ND or SYRIZA carries the risk of electoral losses. Right now, Harilao Trikoobi is in no mood to change his sailing path. “Mitsotakis or Tsipras” does not seem to be mobilizing its electoral base, at this point. However, this tax will expire on May 21. Everything depends on the outcome of the election. In turn, based on PASOK’s performance, it faces stronger headaches than either a “progressive regime” or a “government of losers”. Leganopedio headache. Unless there is a significant increase in his rates, a “strong double-digit rate” will be a very difficult task.