September 15, 2024

Valley Post

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New electricity tariff: What applies to each color – A step-by-step guide to the changes – Newsbomb – News

New electricity tariff: What applies to each color – A step-by-step guide to the changes – Newsbomb – News

The new electricity tariff, which will be effective as of January 1, 2024, promotes transparent and simplified information, for the benefit of consumers, about service provider prices.

For the first time, each consumer will know exactly what he pays to his electricity provider and what type of tariff he applies, as colored labels are introduced for each type of tariff (blue for fixed tariff, green for special tariff, yellow for variable tariff and orange for dynamic).

Under Law No. 5066/2023, a special tariff (in green) was created, which has common characteristics for all service providers. Its main advantages are that the final price will be known on the first daythe day of each consumption month. In addition, it will make it easier for consumers to compare prices between service providers, thus enabling the consumer to make the most advantageous choice.

Along with the special green tariff, targeted support will continue in 2024 on the electricity bills of socially vulnerable consumers, i.e. beneficiaries of the Social Household Tariff (KOT), so that our citizens, who are in greatest need, can enjoy affordable electricity prices, at pre-crisis levels. energy.

Also, in the first quarter of 2024, there will be, for the first time, an exceptional subsidy of 45-480 euros on the electricity bills of our energy-vulnerable citizens (about 1.2 million households) who are heated with electricity, and as a result for a wide category of consumers that Final fees “fall” to the level they were before the energy crisis, in the first quarter of 2024.

Answers to some basic questions about the new low-voltage electricity tariff for homes and businesses:

Questions – answers about the new definitions

1. Why do we have so many electricity bills?

Because service providers have the right to receive as many bills as they want. Also because the nature of the electricity purchasing system implemented by the European Union is complex. There is a wholesale market where the price fluctuates (constantly changes by the day and hour). There are retail providers, who buy wholesale and sell retail, with many different trading policies. Moreover, because the needs and desires of consumers are completely different, depending on the profile of each consumer (family, business, energy-intensive consumers, etc.).

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2. What type of invoices are there?

To begin with, there are three types of tariffs (fixed, variable and dynamic) and the consumer (whether a household or a business) chooses what they consider to be the most beneficial to them. More specifically:

  • Fixed They are fixed-term invoices, with a fixed invoice price throughout the entire contract period.
  • fickle, These are the tariffs linked to the wholesale price on the energy exchange. These are divided into two main categories: i. By setting the price in advance for the consumption period and ii. With prices yet to be determined.
  • dynamically, Which relates to the possibility of dynamic pricing, with different prices – even during the day – based on market prices. One of the conditions for choosing these tariffs is the remote operation of a smart meter in the supply to consumers.

For the convenience of the consumer, bills have been linked to color. Solid blue, volatile yellow, and dynamic orange.

To these tariffs we add a special tariff, green, whose special advantage is that its structure will be simple and common, allowing comparability for all providers. All consumers will switch to this on 1 January 2024, who – during 2023 – will not choose a specific type of tariff for their switch on 1 January 2024. However, with a simple declaration to their service provider by 31/01/2024, they can stay on their previous acquaintance. Also, for any tariff changes made after that, the usual procedure is followed. It should be noted that the special green tariff, which will be available from each provider, will be uniform for all providers.

3. Why was this special green tariff introduced?

The main advantage of the green tariff is that it facilitates, for the first time, price comparison between service providers and transparent and simplified information to consumers about service providers’ prices. On 1the On one day of each month, the invoice price will be announced on the website of the relevant provider and will be sent to the RAAE. The consumer will know at the beginning of the month what he will pay to his electricity provider for the following month and, more importantly, what prices are offered by all other providers.

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4. On the green bill, will the price change during the month?

No, the consumer will see one price every 1the month, which will be “locked” for the duration of the month.

5. Can the consumer choose a tariff other than the one he has?

Yes, the consumer has the ability to choose any tariff offered at any time by signing a new contract with the provider of his choice. The only exception is fixed tariffs, which by their nature have long-term contracts. Change of supplier or supply invoice, i.e. takes place at any time and does not entail the right to compensate the supplier due to early departure of the customer, except in cases of termination of the fixed price invoice contract.

6. Why do we have different colors on invoices?

To make it easier for the consumer to understand the nature of the many different tariffs so that he can better compare tariffs between service providers.

7. Isn’t this system very “confusing”?

Yes, the European energy system is complex and it makes sense for the consumer that they do not have the time and inclination to constantly deal with any provider they choose. That is why the “green” tariff was introduced, in which he knows, without particularly caring, the two most important things that interest him: FirstlyWhat is the price next month? secondly Who is cheaper next month?

8. Should I switch providers every month to find the cheapest one?

You have the right to do so. On the green tariff, you can track which provider is the cheapest every month, and if you are not satisfied with the provider’s prices for a month or after a few months, you can always switch. It is reasonable for the consumer not to enter into this process, because it is difficult to change providers for a difference of 1-2 euros per month. It is also logical that if he sees that someone is systematically expensive, he will leave him and go to someone who is systematically cheaper than him.

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9. Why can’t I, who has a fixed blue tariff with a particular provider, compare prices with other providers?

In contrast to each provider’s own (green) bill, in the remaining tariff categories, service providers can offer more than one bill in each category, connected, multiple times, either to services or to other products or to a combination of them. In addition, the amount of the fixed amount can vary significantly for each provider, which reduces the degree of comparability between the energy prices offered. For these reasons, the creation of a green tariff makes comparing tariffs of different service providers more direct, easy and transparent.

10. Will the price check and comparison tool be available?

In electricity bills (electronic and printed) and in other letters and emails that providers will send to consumers, there will now also be a QR code (which will be scanned and read via smartphone) and a link which will refer to the website publication of the Waste and Energy Regulatory Authority’s price comparison tool. and water (RAAEF). There, consumers will be able to be informed, every month, of the price of their provider’s own and shared tariff and compare it with all the tariffs offered.

Read more here.