July 27, 2024

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Nikos Dentias: Greek airspace becomes impenetrable

Nikos Dentias: Greek airspace becomes impenetrable

In anti-aircraft formation “The Dome” And “Dome” anti-drones, It will protect the entire Greek territory, Greece is moving forward, the Minister of National Defense emphasized Nicos Dentias, It explains that the priority is to eliminate any backwardness compared to neighboring countries.

Mr. Tendias, speaking to the “Parapolitika” newspaper, stressed that the process of making Greece's airspace impenetrable within a few years from now has already begun.

Through change we try to create new technologies armed forces, With the implementation of “Agenda 2030”, a major reform in our armed forces, we have added to the ecosystem of new defense technologies, the development of air defense, including drone strikes, the newly established Hellenic Defense Innovation Center (EL. KAK ), as well as the Long-term Defense Equipment Plan (LDP), he noted. .

For “Shields” company

For the “Shields” operation, he insisted that its crew Battleship “Hydra”, “Demonstrates exceptional professionalism in difficult situations and is ready to respond to any threat.”

“Up to this moment it has carried out dozens of close security missions on merchant vessels and several surveillance missions, effectively protecting free navigation in the area,” he continued.

The operational headquarters of “SHIELDS” is located in Greece, under the command of Greek Vice-Admiral Vassilios Kriparis, who described it as crucial as to when it will return to its naval base. Salamis The Battleship “Hydra” And when it will be replaced by another warship equipped with the necessary defensive measures, “this is expected to happen within the next month.” Regarding Greek-Turkish relations, he pointed out that “peace on the ground is clearly welcome”, but he did not fail to underline that “but we must not forget that when Turkey withdraws it is at an important crossroads in the direction of choosing. President Erdogan from serious political action”.

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Finland's military conscription model on the table

For her model Tenure, “It is being reviewed with a view to radical changes, not in its time or in replacing those mandated by professional and single administrators, because we believe in a citizen's army, and we reject the possibility of rejecting it. It creates quality time and is not 'wasted', as a significant portion of our youth today believes.” “I had the opportunity to see during my visit to the country, in accordance with the training of conscripts in Finland, with fast, but effective training,” he explained.

Regarding the European elections, he said, “The possibility that citizens consider European elections It is a “referendum” which, as happens in every election of members of the European Parliament, no government is elected”.

“However, at this moment when the populist forces are lurking for a dynamic resurgence, we as new democracies must raise the stake of the continuity of reforms, going beyond the horizon of the specific European elections. The country,” concluded the minister.

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