September 13, 2024

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Survivor All Star – Spoiler: The team that wins first immunity and the first candidate to leave

Survivor All Star – Spoiler: The team that wins first immunity and the first candidate to leave

Survivor All Star is taking a short break and returning from Monday, June 5th

“Survivor All Star” is entering the final stretch with the big night scheduled for early July. Naturally, the reality show will be taking a short break, too She will be absent from SKAI’s Sunday programming due to the three-day holiday.

From Monday, June 5th, he’ll be on the fences again, with tension at its peak. The two teams are thrown onto the battlefield for First immunitywith Reds to lose And he is taken to the island council. Firstly Konstantinos Vassalos will be a candidate, In terms of competition, it is the weakest.

Most, The famous are only four. Marialina, Sakis, Milena and Konstantinos seem weaker after the departure of Takis Karagounias.

Talandzhev: Takis constantly swears at families and makes many offensive comments

Latest developments in Survivor All-Star and his accidental departure Takis Karagounias S commented Former Survivalist Giorgos Talandzev.

Speaking to OPEN, Talandzhev said so Takis generally have an explosive nature, creating tensions and insults.

“I will speak from my heart. I was glad about that, because Takis is a guy who really fought with the whole jungle, the productions and all the players, last year and this year. He created terrible tensions.”

“We saw him again this year, a lot of stress, a lot of anger, a lot of upset. It’s time for him to go and I’m completely fine. I thought he was leaving earlier, it’s already late.”

saying What does he remember about the ‘picky’ player? He said: I remember Takis swearing on Nagina without mercy. The attitude of most of the players was very bad. He’s the greatest surviving actor, somebody give him an Oscar. It can get you out of your pants, not necessarily in front of the cameras.”

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