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The cruelest form of torture is a Greek patent

The cruelest form of torture is a Greek patent

A few hours ago It has been published Route report US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ice) for people who enter the country illegally.

The title was “A Nightmare That Never Ends: Torture and Inhuman Treatment in Solitary Confinement».

Prepared by Physicians for Human Rights (Public Health), researchers at Harvard Medical School (Warship) and faculty and students in the Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program (Herc) from Harvard Law School.

Based on documents From ICE it was obtained after six years of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

HMS researchers also conducted in-depth interviews with 26 people who have been held in solitary confinement in immigration detention facilities in recent years.

This is the first study to publish data on solitary confinement in 125 American detention centers from September 2018 to September 2023. That is, it covers the Trump and Biden administrations.

It is revealed that I.C The isolate was used at least 14,264 times from 2018 to 2023.

Solitary confinement meets UN standards for torture When it exceeds 15 days.

People in ICE custody spent an average of 27 days in detention, documents show.

ICE's detention practices cause unacceptable and, in some cases, lifelong physical and mental health consequencesHe said no catherine beller, One of the report's authors, M.D., is a medical specialist at PHR and an assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.

He added that “Many asylum seekers and other immigrants come to the United States seeking safety, then are forced to remain in a stifling cell for weeks, months, or even years.».

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The work clearly calls for an end to this practice.

The cruelest methods of torture in history

Historically, there have been torture practices that have largely freed screenwriters from having to use their imagination to come up with something relevant. Admittedly, progress has been made, but it remains a work in progress He tortures In the world.

Just China It has about 100 different ones, according to International Society for Human Rights.

Many of them are also used before central Intelligence Agencyaccording to ISHR.

the The best diplomats I researched all the torture methods used since the existence of man and came to the conclusion that the worst of them were “Bronze Bull”.

It was invented by an Athenian copper craftsman and inventor Perilausin the sixth century BC

The Sicilian tyrant Phalaris ordered its construction in Akragantas.

The idea was to create a means of execution that would terrorize people who disagreed with the tyrant's rule.

Perilaus made a life-sized statue of a bull in bronze. The interior was hollow, and on one side there was an opening through which the prisoner entered. A fire ignited under the hull, roasting the prisoner.

Details of the method included making holes in the bull's nose so that the victim's screams could be heard as it burned – with each contact of its skin with the copper burning hotter and hotter.

Death was slow and painful.

According to the Historical Library of Diodorus Siculus, when Perilaus presented his work to the tyrant, he ordered him to make a practical demonstration. He became the first victim of the “Bronze Bull”.

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During the reign of the Roman Emperor Nero, the same device was used to kill early Christians.

It is considered the worst type of torture due to the intensity of the torment and the psychological factor of slowly burning a person alive.

Since then, the building has served as a reminder of the depth of human cruelty and the ingenuity of torture techniques.

Who is the greek torture rival

Something similar applies to him “Bloody Eagle” It is the main competitor to the “Bronze Bull”, on the list of the most horrific, inhumane and horrific types of torture.

The “Bloody Eagle” was invented by the Vikings.

The victim was placed face down and bound, then his ribs were separated from his spine with a sharp object. The lungs were removed from the executioner, with the body shape reminiscent of the spread wings of an eagle.

The hostage was dying from a combination of organ damage, shock and blood loss.