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4 signs that will cause confusion and deception with the Venus-Neptune square on 01/19/2024

4 signs that will cause confusion and deception with the Venus-Neptune square on 01/19/2024

4 signs that will cause confusion and deception with the Venus-Neptune square on 01/19/2024

On 01/19/2024, Venus from Sagittarius will form a square aspect with Neptune in Pisces and will create confusion, confusion, ambiguity and confusion, especially in partnerships, in important relationships in our lives but also in the sphere of life. Finance. This aspect will mainly affect the mutable signs of 3Sh Ten days, i.e. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, but also those with signs or planets from the 23rd.the Until 27the The fate of these signs.

To find out what are the degrees of your ascendant and planets Press here.

Illusion or truth?

Venus in Sagittarius makes us more outgoing and creates a desire to connect with people, communicate, flirt, date, travel, make plans for the future, and generally experiment and step outside the box. On the other hand, Neptune in Pisces creates illusions, bewilderment, and confusion. The distinctive feature of this aspect is that we find it difficult to see situations and people around us as they really are and we create an imaginary scenario in our minds. In short, we see everything as we would like it to be and not as it actually is and this happens because we ignore or overlook some details that make the difference. So these days our judgment is clouded and we prioritize emotion, leaving reason behind. All of this leads to us getting into confusing situations, contradicting our expectations, and attracting people who are unclear or try to mislead us in one way or another.

Dilemmas, ambiguities and frustrations

We must therefore be doubly careful about the words we hear, the promises they make to us and the people we know, because in these days we will be vulnerable and it will be very easy for them to take advantage of our good intentions. Dilemmas of love, lies and disappointments are lurking, so we should think carefully about the facts, stay away from chaotic situations and above all try to set boundaries for ourselves and not become a burden on everyone's mood. So use these days to listen to your deepest feelings, but do not scatter your energy on fake people, dead ends or unclear situations.

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It is also very likely that problems and obligations will seem like a mountain these days, and as a result you will look for ways to escape reality and indulge in other types of pleasures. Therefore, beware of transgressions of all kinds and stay away from alcohol and substances, because the most important thing now is to remain aware and in control of yourself and what is happening around you. In addition, since Sagittarius is associated with travel, external communications, studies, and legal affairs, it is recommended not to rush into making important moves or decisions regarding these matters.

But let's go and see in more detail which four signs will be most affected by this aspect and what they should pay attention to


A Venus-Neptune square comes to obscure the scene in your relationships and partnerships and may create false impressions of an important person in your life. If you have high expectations, you will probably fall short in reality, so try to keep a small basket and do not get carried away by the big words and promises given to you these days. Many of you may feel that you do not know what you want from the relationship and do not know how you should behave towards your partner, as your feelings are conflicting. Additionally, you will be prone to idealizing people and situations, so if a new person enters your life, try to be as objective as possible before committing to a relationship or partnership. In general, be doubly wary of others and do not rush to open up or give up unless they first prove to you that their words match their actions. On the other hand, those who are directly affected by this aspect, i.e. you were born in the third decan of your zodiac sign or you have the Sun, Ascendant or planets in Gemini from the 23rd degree to the 27th degree, may feel more disappointed by a romantic relationship, partnership or still… You think that others are hiding something from you or have other thoughts and doubts.


A Venus square with Neptune will make you particularly vulnerable to situations around you and emotions will surface that will cloud your judgment and may lead you down the wrong path. If we take into account the fact that Neptune has been transiting the sector of your important relationships and partnerships for years, making you gullible and vulnerable to deception and lies, these days require double attention and, above all, logical thinking. Some of you may feel overwhelmed by feelings and memories of past situations and people who no longer have a place in your life. Others you may discover a lie about someone from your family environment or an issue related to the home or property. So, these days you are asked to be calm, put aside emotions – no matter how strong – and not get involved in situations and people from the past due to insecurities. Even if you have open cases or pending issues with some people, don't try to close them now, because things will likely get more complicated. On the other hand, those who are directly affected by this aspect, i.e. you were born in the third ten days of your sign or you have the Sun, Ascendant or planets in Virgo from 23 to 27 degrees, you may feel more disappointed in a relationship or partnership but perhaps within your environment. Family.


With Venus squaring your sign to Neptune in Pisces, you will feel that your energy is low these days and it will be difficult to focus on what you need to do and adapt to the demands of those around you. Therefore, you will look for ways to escape and try to avoid the responsibilities and obligations that burden you. In addition, this square will create very high expectations both regarding someone in your romantic relationship and regarding a career plan, leading to disappointment along the way, as you will realize that things are not as you imagined. Your judgment will not be clear these days and it is very likely that you will fall victim to illusion or deception. You may encounter dilemmas and be so confused that you do not know which path to take and how to act. Avoid forced situations or make important decisions and stay away from situations that involve risk and do not provide you with safety and stability. On the other hand, those of you who are directly affected by this aspect, that is, you were born in the third ten days of your zodiac sign or you have the Sun, Ascendant, or planets in Sagittarius from 23 to 27 degrees, may feel more disappointed by a love relationship or partnership, or even To reveal to you some aspects of the person you had in mind in a different way.

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Neptune is your ruler, so you belong to a sign that is directly affected by its movements. With a Venus-Neptune square appearing at the end of the week, a cloudy and ambiguous landscape is created that will mainly have an impact on your career and social image. You are encouraged to evaluate the data in front of you very carefully, and if possible, have a backup plan in case things do not go as you expected. It is possible that you will meet someone who promises you career advancement or have a conversation that will revive your hopes and create high expectations for your career path. Try to be as clear and consistent as possible with your colleagues and superiors, and in turn ask others to make their intentions clear to you. Remember, this is not the time to implement a business plan or invest in people who make theoretical promises and cannot back up their words with actions. Try to put your emotions and intuition aside, as your conclusions should be based on concrete evidence and facts. On the other hand, those of you who are directly affected by this aspect, i.e. you were born in the third decan of your zodiac sign or have the Sun, Ascendant or planets in Pisces from 23 to 27 degrees, you may feel more insecure, disappointed in your professional matters, or confused. About your future and career goals.