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Blingen travels to Panama in search of a consensus on preventing illegal immigration

Blingen travels to Panama in search of a consensus on preventing illegal immigration

Washington. U.S. Ambassador Anthony Blinken will prepare the ground for a U.S. summit by attending a regional meeting on migration in Panama on Tuesday, just weeks before the U.S. lifts border controls with Mexico.

Since US President Joe Biden’s visit to the White House in January 2021, the number of illegal immigrants crossing the border from Mexico to the United States has increased and is expected to increase further when the government repeals the rule in May. Immediate expulsion of immigrants.

In February alone, U.S. immigration officials said 164,973 people had illegally crossed that land boundary, 55% of whom could be evicted under that rule, known as Title 42 and activated due to the epidemic.

Biden defends his Republican predecessor Donald Trump’s “more humane” immigration policy, which he used as a “tough fortress of zero tolerance” against irregular immigration.

With the midterm elections approaching this year, the lack of border control is a political side that could explode for Democrats.

The Democrat leader is proposing a path to citizenship rejected by Congress and a strategy to call on the root causes of the mass exodus from Central America, which he entrusts to Vice President Kamala Harris.

Guest list

Therefore, Flinken is attending a ministerial meeting on relocation in Panama on April 19 and 20. Among other things, Brian Nichols, diplomatic leader, will accompany Secretary of State Brian Nichols to the United States this Friday to assess what steps can be taken in their countries aimed at “creating opportunities and helping people lead their lives.” Told reporters.

He will speak with representatives of about twenty countries – none of whom, according to Nicholas, will be an envoy of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro – will take place in Los Angeles on June 6-10 in Los Angeles on the US intention to “adopt the Declaration on Migrant Security”.

Nichols said he had “not yet extended invitations” to the White House summit, stressing the importance of American nations respecting his “commitment to democracy.”

In December, Biden did not invite Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Bolivia, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala or Haiti to the summit on democracy.

Nichols believes there has been progress in recent months against irregular migration. He cites $ 1.2 billion in investment from the private sector in Central America, aid to immigrants in Colombia, and the distribution of vaccines against Govt-19. Ecuador, Peru or Chile.

“With open eyes”

“But the challenges did not start yesterday, it will take us time to resolve them with our partners,” Nichols stressed.

This issue, which is important to the Republican base, is now in mid-term elections in domestic politics and, according to opinion polls, Biden will lose control of Congress.

In Panama, in addition to immigration, the United States will address other issues, such as economic recovery and the fight against corruption, as well as the war in Ukraine.

Washington is leading the Western response to Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and seeking the support of its allies, but many Latin American countries are neutral, such as Mexico, Brazil or Bolivia.

Nichols said on Friday that he was confident that the issue of China’s growing presence would also come to the fore and urged countries to “keep their eyes open”.

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“The United States has a strong trade relationship with China. Frankly, we are not saying do not trade with China, what we are saying is, open your eyes and do it, you (necessarily) understand what is on the table, how China will use it and how these companies will use your data, “he said.

In Panama, Blingen will meet with President Laurentino Cardiso and his counterpart Erica Mines, and will tour the Panama Canal “to review this important component of regional and international trade.”

He will be accompanied by Secretary of Defense Alejandro Mayorkas and Marta Youth, Deputy Secretary of the Office for Population, Refugees and Migration.