July 27, 2024

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Britain: Boris Johnson “exonerates” Sunak to Northern Ireland

Britain: Boris Johnson “exonerates” Sunak to Northern Ireland

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson – Reuters/Peter Nicholls

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said it would be difficult for him to vote on the new UK-EU deal on (post-Brexit) trade arrangements with Northern Ireland that Rishi Sunak and Ursula von der Leyen reached last Monday in Windsor. .

Britain: Boris Johnson

From the hall of the 2023 Global Soft Power Summit, Boris Johnson slammed the Sunak deal, arguing it allows the EU to maintain control of Northern Ireland.

“I would have a very hard time voting for something like that because I think we should do something different […] Johnson said amid rumors he was vying for a return to the leadership of the Conservative Party and the premiership.

Britain: Boris Johnson

Sunak himself made it clear last Monday that this new Windsor Framework Agreement, which replaces the Northern Ireland Protocol, should be passed/voted by the UK Parliament soon.

With information from APE-MPE, Reuters

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