October 25, 2024

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Psycheko: The Moral Criminal of Mykonos and the Murder of an Albanian in Koridalos Prisons

Psycheko: The Moral Criminal of Mykonos and the Murder of an Albanian in Koridalos Prisons

Homicide officials looking for answers as to who gave the order for the death contract are focused on identifying the person who ordered the exhumation of a 54-year-old surveyor in Chicago.

All evidence points to Mykonos, with authorities concluding that someone disturbed the 54-year-old’s business activities.


In fact, two persons engaged in serious commercial activity on Animan Island are said to have run into the law.

Photographs of the men were shown by police to the partner of a 44-year-old man arrested for the murderous attack.

He revealed in his testimony that the accused had recently visited Mykonos and met the businessman.


According to information from Vassilis Lambropoulos, the accused criminal says that this Easter meeting is about creating a diagnostic center in Mykonos and looking for a place to house it.

However, no evidence has yet emerged to confirm this claim.

As noted by Vassilis Lambropoulos, there are at least three lines of evidence that place a particular real estate entrepreneur among the prime suspects of moral turpitude.

Murder in Corridalos prisons

At the same time, Vassilis Lambropoulos revealed that, in the context of the mafia murder in Psychiko, another murder related to the war that broke out in Mykonos with business interests, the underworld and organized crime is being investigated.

In particular, according to the new view of the events of Aich, as the police editor said, it is not excluded that the murderous attack in Psychiko was a continuation of the murder as a result of a fight between the prisoners that took place a few days earlier. Koridalos was jailed along with an Albanian victim.

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A foreigner was involved in a dispute in Mykonos over the murder of Koridalos, with private individuals now allegedly connected to the murder in Psychiko.

The killing at Coridalos and other reasons may have precipitated the killing at Psychico for reasons of revenge.

A prime suspect is a moral criminal

The moral criminal who committed the crime apparently paid and ordered the murder. The man who everything shows that Panagiotis opened an account with Stathis will be revealed very soon, according to police officers moving the threads of the massive investigation.

As revealed by Live News, two businessmen have recently been under the microscope of the authorities, and the police are now focusing on one, for whom there are a series of statements with his open accounts, Panagiotis Stathis.

Police are quietly continuing their investigation in both Attica and Mykonos to fully investigate the dramatic case. A series of closed mouths in the early days seem to be beginning to open, even from the context of the victim.


“Some people around him said that he had fought with a Mykonian businessman in the past. A friend of the victim said that Stathis blamed the attack on him outside his house in Salantri. A friend of the victim said that in the days before the murder, the defendant and her had visited Mykonos twice, where, among other things, , met the accused businessman”, state police sources.

In his testimony, the 44-year-old’s partner, who was said to be the executor of the surveyor, reported a meeting with the businessman.

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“We went to Mykonos twice this year. Once on March 25 and again on Easter. Both times me, my partner, a businessman, and his wife met for dinner. Our conversations were mostly business-related, that’s why I said they weren’t friends, I mean they were more like friends. Not talking,” said the 44-year-old’s partner.

What does his context say?

“The context of the industrialist, who is photographed by many, gives its own explanation for the spills and deposits of some. There is talk of a mud war at the contractor’s expense, aimed at diverting the investigation.

“A real estate tycoon has raised this fluff at the expense of a popular contractor. Justice will determine why the businessman-broker outlines him, he wants to hide his own, and the eyes of the world go to the contractor, but the eyes of the world go to him only for good. Everyone in Mykonos knows who he is
The contractor and what he does, he works all day, he’s on the road from morning to night. To say he is the mafia of Mykonos is an insult to him. The broker is a problem for the whole of Mykonos, and no one on the island has a good word to say about him, not even his family. He has taken revenge not only on the contractor but also on everyone. The contractor has learned to obey laws, his speech is a signature, he does not lower his head, the police know where his house is,” the contractor’s entourage said.

The contractor’s environment reiterates on Live News that clear skies are not afraid of lightning. They hope that the truth will come out soon, as they say, so that the scandals will be cleared and their man can go on with his normal life.

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“I don’t know if the 8 major businessmen of Mykonos had lunch with the 44-year-old. He doesn’t care about the businessmen, he doesn’t deal with these things because the dealers get confused. We don’t know if the 44-year-old had a relationship with the broker. The contractor never entered anyone’s work, he never got involved in the problematic work. As the industry employs 300 people, he has been troubling them.The victim’s cooperation is impeccable and he prays to God to let the truth come to light.

Investigations into the moral culprit of Panagiotis Stathis’ murder continue, and the countdown to the release of the name that ties together the highly acclaimed case appears to have already begun.