July 27, 2024

Valley Post

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Survivor All Star – Karolina Kaleva about meetings with Marius Priamos: “I have nothing to apologize for”

Survivor All Star – Karolina Kaleva about meetings with Marius Priamos: “I have nothing to apologize for”

From yesterday’s island council Survivor All-Star There was no shortage of tensions, however, after Giorgos Lianos revealed his secret meetings Mario Priamo Ioannidis with the Carolina Jacqueline Califa.

The host explained that this was against production rules and asked the players to explain what was going on between them.

“Opposing players can only be seen on the battlefield and boards, and they must not step outside the boundaries of the jungle set by the production. Caroline Kaleva and Marius Priamos met in an old, elusive survivor’s hut”said the announcer.

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Caroline was the first to speak and with obvious embarrassment she said: “Yes, it happened. We met Mario. I have nothing to say, I have nothing to apologize for. Yes, it happened. With Mario we have a special sympathy and we just happened to be on a day when we didn’t play and it was a day off. This has never happened before.”
Subsequently, Marius Priamus Ionides also defended himself, saying: “If I leave the hut and go into the forest to look for coconuts or to meet someone, I do not consider myself to have committed any crime. I did not leave to go to any village, nor to go to any city, nor to get food. With Carolina I became closer. The other children are My friends and I don’t need to get close to everyone. We won’t leave here and I’ll have forty new friends.”

The person who did, in fact, take a stand on their romance was Asimina Hatzendrio. Apparently, the player knows about Karolina’s relationship to him father I asked her not to expose him.

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“Knowing what kind of personal relationship Karolina is having there and she is also my friend, I hope she will not expose this guy.” stated, with Carolina replying; “My personal issues here, I guess it’s nobody’s business, so I don’t even want to talk. Since there’s no access to the outside, I guess the conversation ends here.”

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