President of Venezuela, Nicholas MaduroOn Wednesday, the new left attacked Latin American leaders and called them “cowards,” following people like Chile’s elected president in recent weeks. Gabriel BorickAnd President of Peru, Peter CastleIndicates distance from Bolivarian rule.
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“Every day there is a campaign against Venezuela. Where did it come from A cowardly left, based on attacking the successful Bolivarian model, The winner of the attack on the historical heritage and the attack on me as President ”The president said in a telephone conversation with the program last night கொலுசு கொடுப்பதோடுWho are driving God-given hair.
Then Fort, Boric And left-wing Colombian presidential candidate Gustavo Pedro Confirms that the path of Venezuela is not the path to be followed by their countries, Maduro assured that left-wing leaders had appeared to be “immoral and of no size to attack the Bolivarian revolution.”.

“This is the defeated, failed left, the cowardly left against imperialism, against the oligarchy.. Then they want to put a varnish so that the oligarchs can forgive them, and worst of all, they are not going to forgive anyone. Then They see the ugly face of some cowardly left-wing counter-revolutionaries, anti-Bolivarians on the outside. “He insisted.
Criticism of Boric, Castillo and Pedro
President FortHe thinks so in an interview with CNN, from the left-wing political party Peru Libre To create Unlike in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba, “a truly democratic and open model with the Peruvians”He apparently avoided calling it dictatorship.
“I’m not a part of it. I do not want Peru to become one of those models.”, He added a president who would pass a turbulent time within borders.
For his part, Chile’s elected president – Borik – who will take office on March 11, 2022 – promised in an interview. M24 radio from Uruguay That He stressed that the democratic recession in Venezuela was “brutal” and that it was not his “path” but wanted to build the “democratic left”..
“I want to establish an irrevocable policy of unrestricted protection of human rights, Independent of the government of the day. We can not be double standard, we can not lose ourselves. The permanent accusation made by some leftists of the people’s right to self-determination, even to justify their deviations or appropriate behavior, Freedom of expression, restrictions on meetings, etc. are something we still need to face openly. “Maintaining, strictly, the future Chilean president.
“It simply came to our notice then. There has been a setback in democratic conditions, which is horrendous and economic living conditions have to say, the most reliable source for the exodus of six million Venezuelans. “, Noting that human rights guarantees in that country are deteriorating, this has led to massive evictions in recent years.
“That is not our way We want to create a deep democratic left that respects human rights and is self-critical. “ He added.

Finally, candidate Gustavo Pedro, founding president of the Colombian Human Political Movement and Presidential candidate for the 2022 electionHe said in an interview Weekly Magazine That Maduro is “a person within the leadership of the policy of death.”
“Maduro is not the image of a leftist leader, he is a very conservative member of one of the most reactionary factions in world politics. The world is trying to make a case for itself in the fossil economy. ” The current Colombian senator revealed.
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