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World Cup bomb: Qatar bribed Ecuadorian players – Football – World Cup 2022

World Cup bomb: Qatar bribed Ecuadorian players – Football – World Cup 2022

Bomb in … his foundation world Cup! journalist Amjad Taha from the Middle East (who has 435,000 followers on Twitter) reports that catarrh He bribed eight soccer players Ecuador ($7.4 million total) only to lose their opening match world Cup (With a score of 1-0 and the goal in the second half).

The reporter in question claims that the above news has been confirmed by people from both catarrh as well as who Ecuador Who knows things within the elected, while he then wishes he had… false information!

At the same time, he claims that he hopes that there will be interference from FIFA Because we are talking about a corruption issue that would harm the prestige of the organization and the global federation.

In fact, many media outlets in Ecuador have already begun to reproduce the above news, all while calling on the leading journalistic portals such as Sky Sports, Daily Mail and various others, to take a stand and investigate whether Amjad Taha’s information is true.

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