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Back to Morocco’s autonomy plan and relevant UN resolutions

Back to Morocco’s autonomy plan and relevant UN resolutions

We still have one week until the date of April 20, which means, like almost every year, the opening of the debate within the United Nations Security Council on the Sahara. For a little over thirty years, exactly after the signing of the cease-fires in September 1991, we shall say it was the same ritual. A fateful date, so to speak, even frightening, it has taken on the value of a symbol but also – and above all – a forbidding test because it precedes another no less important deadline, between the 28th and 30th of the same month which records the adoption of the new resolution on the Sahara by the Security Council .

Therefore, April 2022 comes after the Security Council’s adoption on October 30, 2021 of the relevant Resolution 2602, which, more than just a reference, constitutes a major turning point. It represents an unprecedented new phase in the sense that it explicitly refers to and even challenges the Algerian government’s responsibility. He solemnly refers to this same decision in terms that are finally in line with what the Kingdom of Morocco has long desired and defended: legitimacy.

It was referred to the Council after its adoption, and reaffirmed the primacy, seriousness and credibility of the Moroccan autonomy plan, submitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon on April 10, 2007, which constitutes the only solution to this regional dispute, ” Within the framework of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Morocco. Today, one and the other lamented.” Algeria and some member states focus, in the Fourth Committee, on an “outdated ideological approach” to settling the “Moroccan Sahara” question, as it is separate from the historical, political, legal and humanitarian reality. This dispute, because it takes “thesis and schemes dead and permanently buried “. It should be noted that the Algerian government rejected the latest decision and stuck to its classic position, refusing to accept the mission of UN envoy Staffan de Mistura, and thus sabotaging it.

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one of ” dead planes What the Algerian government inappropriately clings to is of course the famous one self-determination referendum, His death as a result of the same Algerian government maneuvers. And that he calls on Algeria once again to assume its responsibilities, and that he calls on it to respect and abide by the spirit of the resolutions adopted almost unanimously, the Security Council is fulfilling its full role as the guardian of international law. Since its adoption in April 2007 of the relevant Resolution 1754, which is accompanied by this comment affirming that “ Serious and credible efforts by Morocco to move towards a settlementThe Security Council has repeatedly recalled the merits of the autonomy plan. It is necessary to highlight the extraordinary progress of this plan which, when presented by Morocco, took the Bouteflika regime so seriously by surprise that, in amazement, the latter began to devise another plan, a failed and highly unreliable plan opposed to Morocco.


From the start, the autonomy plan, designed and implemented by King Mohammed VI, was clear. It is a challenge. It affirms from the outset the civic and democratic primacy of the propositions stated in 35 points: ” Autonomy as a decentralized system in which the people of a county administer their own local affairs under the supervision and control of the central authority. Autonomy remains the ultimate measure that centralized regimes can resort to without access to the federal state. This indicates that an independent system in a unitary state differs from a federal system in degree rather than in nature. Despite this difference that appears as solutions to different problems, the two concepts share many functions such as primacy of the state, majority rule, effective decentralization in managing public affairs, respect for minorities and local and regional idiosyncrasies. Certainly, the Moroccan initiative to negotiate the autonomy of the Sahara can only be understood through its international, international and national contexts and interactions.

The theoretical setting is thus inculcated by this frank introduction. says that ” This initiative consists of 35 articles divided into three chapters, namely Morocco’s commitment to a final political solution, the basic elements of the Moroccan proposal, and the process of ratification and implementation of the Autonomy Law. The Autonomy Plan, which is part of a positive philosophy and democratic practice, emphasizes that ” by With this initiative, the Kingdom guarantees to all Sahrawis abroad and at home their full position and role without discrimination or exclusion in the region’s bodies and institutions. ». And to add that in the same perspective.” The people of the Sahara will run their own affairs democratically through legislative, executive and judicial bodies with exclusive jurisdiction. They will have the necessary financial resources for the development of the region in all areas and will actively participate in the economic, social and cultural life of the Kingdom. “.

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The plan states that In compliance with democratic principles and procedures, the inhabitants of the Autonomous Region of the Sahara shall have, through the mediation of legislative, executive and judicial bodies, within the territorial limits of the Territory, a special jurisdiction in the regions. :

– The local administration, the local police and the district courts.

Economic: economic development, regional planning, investment promotion, trade, industry, tourism, and agriculture.

Region budget and taxes.

Infrastructure: water, water facilities, electricity, public works, and transportation.

– Social: housing, education, health, labour, sports, security and social protection.

Cultural, including the promotion of the Hassani desert cultural heritage.
Finally, the environment. »

It is useful to remember that the autonomy plan advocated by Morocco has no equal, Catalonia or even Corsica or German Landers do not claim to have reached this exceptional situation that represented the vision of the Kingdom of Morocco over a thousand years ago. History in its doctrine, democratic, federal, united in diversity. If world leaders stick to this plan and push for its implementation, it is because they measure its accuracy, strength, and effectiveness. In truth, everything is ceded to the Sahrawi population, the possibility of them obtaining extensive autonomy, constitutional instruments, various mechanisms, freedoms, progress and prosperity. History will say that King Mohammed VI, who dedicated his message as a democratic leader, a sensitive defender of freedoms and a man of dialogue, will have left his mark on the settlement of this file and the irreversible construction of a peaceful and united Maghreb. .