September 17, 2024

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Zodiac signs – Litsa Patera: 5 planets that make Tuesday “perfect” (Video) | Zodiac signs

Zodiac signs – Litsa Patera: 5 planets that make Tuesday “perfect” (Video) |  Zodiac signs


Zodiac signs – Litsa Patera: 5 planets that make Tuesday “perfect” (video)

read it to me…

Detailed astrological forecasts for all zodiac signs, by the astrologer in the “To Proinono” show, Litsa Patera.

“While Saturn strikes Uranus and strikes against the big guys, Mars and Neptune make for a nice day.”Al said Litsa Patera, At the beginning of the astrological forecast segment for Tuesday in the show “breakfast”.

As mentioned AstrologerAnd the “Aphrodite and Mercury make a nice trio with Poseidon and Jupiter that’s the best thing about the gloom of our days.”

The Litsa Patera confirmed that “May many find love, the perfect love. Many of you may have an interesting idea that can lead to big profits.adding that it is a good day for artists as well.

Today five planets speak of good. Litsa Patera noted.

Immediately after that, the astrologer displays, next to her Maria Corinthio, mention them Its detailed predictions for each zodiac sign.

Watch astrological forecasts from Litsa Patera in the show “breakfast”:

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